If you were born in the 90's there's a huge probability you grew up watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S. I know I did. A group of friends living in the Big Apple in their twenties - relatable enough, right? Change the size of the group and the city and it could very well be your group of friends! Ever felt the need to yell when things go wrong? The show shows you that you don't need your life figured out when you're in your twenties!
#1: The catchy title track
The Remembrandt track is something that stays in your mind. It's that catchy! The fountain, couch and goofy 90's clothes and hair - perfect! I feel it showcased the heart of the show - a bunch of friends living their lives in NYC in the 90's.
#2: The bromance
I LOVE the relationship between the boys - especially Chandler and Joey. It's a truly pure unadulterated friendship that would always stand he trials of time. We all have at the very least one friend like that in our lives. Someone who is always there and can be counted on!
#3: The 90's vibe
The simple aesthetics the 90's is something I dig. Except for the pencil-thin eyebrows, I am also glad for the revival of the fashion of the time period! Rachel was and will be for years to come one of the most fashionable of TV characters.
#4: Anytime Monica says I know!
Monica's exuberance and confidence in being right was something I envied when I watched the show when I was younger. As time went on, I realised the importance of being confident enough to always voice out your opinions - even when you're wrong! Her clean and obsessive tendencies and conviction in being who is no matter what were her winning qualities. Don't forget how she never let go of her chef dreams even after she lost her job!
#5: Joey's relationship with food
According to my observations, Joey is the glue that holds the group together. He's there when you need to talk, when you need someone to question authority of any sort, or when you need someone to keep your mind-blowingly huge secrets! What's the thing that holds Joey together now? Food. He has this long-standing relationship with food that I just admire. It trumps his relationships with all the women he dates! Whoever said Joey doesn't have a committed relationship? As far as I can tell, he does. Especially with sandwiches!
#6: Chandler and Monica's love story
Ross and Rachel's story might be all the jazz but I love the Chandler and Monica story arc. You see them go from friends to a strong and stable relationship that's actually realistic. If someone as neurotic as Mon finds someone who's perfect for her, there's hope for the rest of us. #thefeels
#7: Rachel getting that job
She was a terrible waitress. She knew it. They knew it. We all know it! I admire her trying to be one when she moved to NYC as that spoilt rich girl. But, she grew into who she was supposed to be all along when she started that job at Bloomingdale's. And she went up from there! When I was a kid dreaming about working at Vogue, she was why I stuck to my guns. I wonder how many other little girls and young women Rachel helped find their dream!
#8: Phoebe being Phoebe
We all need a quirky and kooky person in our lives like Phoebe. She tells you the truth through her songs. She has the most badass backstory which has made her more street-smart than the others in the group. Her being a surrogate and carrying those babies for her brother is a very important part which still is relevant when discussing about issues of fertility.
#9: Janice being extra
Now Janice and her nasally voice is something no one should ever be able to forget. Add her obsession for Chandler, her big-hair and her loud fashion choices - you'll get an unforgettable character. No wonder she kept up her recurring appearances!
#10: Chandler's humour Hilarious genius and someone who was actually very appealing in the looks department too. Why was he single and unlucky in love through most of the show? That never made sense to me! If you find someone like him can you send him my way, please? His one-liners and dry wit is something I try using in my everyday.
The show gave me unrealistic expectations about lots of things (like finding my Chandler!) but I feel it let me know its okay to mess up. In fact, your twenties should be when you mess up royally. You'll keep trying and get it right eventually-- relationships, career, life. Thank you for that lesson! And always, know that your squad will be there for you, if they're really your squad.
Madhu x