Yardley's Lavender fragrance everything was a staple at our house growing up. Back then I didn't care much for the fresher yet floral scent of it. To me, it was what my grandparents and my parents preferred. I liked those cloyingly sweet and musky scents many teenagers gravitate towards -- like bees to honey! It's only recently, now that I am a tiny bit grown up, that I have any appreciation for those floral scents. To me, those lavender scented powders and body sprays are just plain nostalgia. Now, lavender farms have my whole attention. Why? Photo ops, of course! And a city girl traipsing through the fields or riding on a tractor? Gold!
So, when my mum was here, I broached the idea of visiting the lavender fields here near London. She was all in -- she loves farm, nature and all such wholesome things! So, I went about finding the best route to take, prices and all such planning details I thrive on. The timing of it wasn't perfect -- because it was quite close to the time when the lavender farms get harvested. But, we could still go. So, we took the train on a chilly morning and went to the Mayfield Farms.
I've seen pictures of the lavender fields in Provence and to me, these were quite close. For a small fee of £2 per person, we could enter the farms. If you aren't familiar with the smell of pure, undiluted lavender -- the smell might be a tad overpowering when it comes to full bloom season! I've used lavender essential oils pretty regularly but the smell of the real deal is a million times more potent! The farm had rows and rows of lavender heads (I hope that's what they're called!) as far am my eyes could spy. Though, most of the rows in the front were harvested, the scent of them hung in the air. I saw lots of tourists pile up into the tractors -- which you can do for a fee -- but my mum and I were quite happy to walk. The farm also has cutouts of the royal couple (Harry and Meghan) which I think might be a recent addition and a traditional English phone booth for those who want a prop for their photos.
After walking the fields and clicking what felt like a million pictures, we poked around the gift shop. Yes, there's a gift shop attached to the farm. I bought an armful of lavenders from there -- obviously! They also sell lavender teas, chocolates, bath products, potpourri fixings, essential oils and so much more. I actually wanted a hot water bear they had which was filled with lavender petals inside the bear itself. But I felt it might be a heady and intoxicating scent that I might not enjoy as much as I thought I might. Smart call, I believe.
We also sampled the snacks and beverages at the little cafe that the farm has. I don't think my taste buds are all that experimental. The menu was lavender everything! We ended up getting swept in the lavender fever and got scones, iced tea and hot chocolate. I don't really think I like flowers in anything except teas when it comes to food choices -- but it was an experience!
The lavenders I brought back with me sat in a vase for a day. It was too potent a smell for any longer and my flat is way too small for the scent to actually spread out! So, I dried the flowers and put the petals in pouches. My mum took quite a bit of it back home with her to give it to those who can use it for potpourri and making perfumes and such things! I use the little pouches to keep my cupboards smelling nice and wonderful!
Visiting the fields in Provence is on my list now. And the tulip gardens in Amsterdam -- since they are one of my favourite flowers! But for now, the Mayfield experience was incredibly special.
Let me know if you did get to see it in full bloom!
Madhu x